Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we seek to glorify God by presenting Jesus Christ and His saving Grace to people and their needs.
• Is to be the church where worshipers of all ages experience God, grow in their relationship with Him and are excited to come and to bring their friends.
• We want a church where all people, who visit, seeking to know God, will feel His presence and will be glad they came, wanting to return.
• We want a church where worshipers always feel that they are genuinely loved, cared for and that they can do well for others.
• We want a church where all worshipers will become fully devoted followers of Christ, helping change our community both locally and globally.
We have the highest confidence in the life changing power of God’s Word. Therefore,
A) We will pursue preaching, teaching and ministry programs centered in the Scriptures.
B) We will encourage our people to feed on the Word of God personally and in our life together.
We belong to the Lord Jesus Christ and exist for His glory, Therefore,
A) We will keep Christ and His Gospel central in all things.
B) We value excellence in all that we do because our lives and ministry are an offering to Christ. We will serve our Lord with humility.
C) We will pursue our mandate to advance the Gospel with urgency.
We know Christ through the new birth, which is a work of the Holy Spirit through the Word. Therefore,
A) We are convinced that the primary need of every person is to receive new life, which is God’s gift for all who come to Christ in faith and repentance.
B) We will treat unbelievers with respect and avoid manipulative approaches to evangelism, placing our confidence in the power of God’s Word clearly proclaimed and applied.
C) We will communicate the good news of Jesus Christ to our community and throughout the world, believing in the power of the gospel to transform individuals, families and communities.
We pursue growth in Christ by the renewing of our minds, hearts and our wills through the Gospel.
A) We will provide opportunities for people to explore God’s Word, at every age and every level of spiritual maturity.
B) We will help our people cultivate a Christian worldview and apply the Word of God to every area of life.
We aim to glorify Christ in our corporate worship as we experience His presence.
A) We will design our worship around the Word of God.
B) We regard the congregation as participants rather than spectators.
C) We worship by engaging mind, heart, will and spirit.
D) We recognize our complete dependence on the Spirit of God in every aspect of our ministry.
We celebrate God’s unique design and gifting in every believer. Therefore,
A) We will foster a serving culture by encouraging and equipping God’s people for service in the church, community and in the world.
B) We strive to maintain our God given unity while valuing the freedom of Christian believers to hold different positions on issues that have not been clearly revealed in Scripture.
We are committed to strengthening Christ-centered marriages and family life. Therefore,
A) We will help equip parents for the challenge of raising godly sons and daughters.
B) We will encourage a vision of extended family life embracing singles, the elderly, and others who may find themselves isolated from family relationships.
C) We will embrace, support and encourage individuals and families who have become broken or divided.
D) We will encourage parents and children to worship together at home and in the church.
At Amazing Grace every member of the body is necessary and important for us to do the work that God has called us to do. Our members need to be active if we are going to be faithful to our mission. It is our desire that the entire body is to be active in service. Our motto is “Every Member in Ministry”. We will attempt to provide ministry opportunities for our members through establishing Ministry Teams.
We seek to make decisions in the church by prayerful consensus, and leading of the Holy Spirit rather than by one person's authority or by congregational voting (Acts 15:28). The New Testament does not picture the church as a dictatorship or a democracy. Biblical images used to describe the way a church functions are a family or body where each member is necessary and valuable but with distinct functions.
Our services are based on the Biblical concept found in 1 Corinthians 14. Our goal in every service is to strengthen, encourage and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3). We accomplish this through clear instruction from God’s Word (1 Corinthians 14:8, 19) and by being sensitive to newcomers or “outsiders” who are unfamiliar with Christianity (1 Corinthians 14:20, 23). Being sensitive to “outsiders” or newcomers does not mean we are “light and fluffy” or “shallow”. The messages are biblical, hard-hitting and call for changed lives (1 Corinthians 14:24-25).
Amazing Grace’s musical style contains the best of the old and new. We have contemporary worship and praise music and a good mixture of traditional hymns. Our worship team is vibrant and bring many talents to offer praise with. Our worship consists of instruments as well as beautiful voices and special music performed by various members of the congregation.
The statement of faith of Amazing Grace Community Church shall be same as The Evangelical Free Church of America which reads as follows:
God – We believe in one God, Creator of all things holy, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in a loving unity of three equally divine Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Having limitless knowledge and sovereign power, God has graciously purposed from eternity to redeem a people for Himself and to make all things new for His own glory.
The Bible – We believe that God has spoken in the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, through the words of human authors. As the verbally inspired Word of God, the Bible is without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for salvation, and the ultimate authority by which every realm of human knowledge and endeavor should be judged. Therefore, it is to be believed in all that it teaches, obeyed in all that it requires, and trusted in all that it promises.
The Human Condition - We believe that God created Adam and Eve in His image, but they sinned when tempted by Satan. In union with Adam, human beings are sinners by nature and by choice, alienated from God, and under His wrath. Only through God’s saving work in Jesus Christ can we be rescued, reconciled and renewed.
Jesus Christ – We believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, one Person in two natures. Jesus-Israel’s promised Messiah-was conceived through the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father as our High Priest and Advocate.
The Work of Christ – We believe that Jesus Christ, as our representative and substitute, shed His blood on the cross as the perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice for our sins. His atoning death and victorious resurrection constitute the only ground for salvation.
The Holy Spirit – We believe that the Holy Spirit, in all that He does, glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. He convicts the world of its guilt. He regenerates sinners, and in Him they are baptized into union with Christ and adopted as heirs in the family of God. He also indwells, illuminates, guides, equips and empowers believers for Christ-like living and service.
The Church – We believe that the true church comprises all who have been justified by God’s grace through faith alone in Christ alone. They are united by the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ, of which He is the Head. The true church is manifest in local churches, whose membership should be composed only of believers. The Lord Jesus mandated two ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which visibly and tangibly express the gospel. Though they are not the means of salvation, when celebrated by the church in genuine faith, these ordinances confirm and nourish the believer.
Christian Living – We believe that God’s justifying grace must not be separated from His sanctifying power and purpose. God commands us to love Him supremely and others sacrificially, and to live out our faith with care for one another, compassion toward the poor and justice for the oppressed. With God’s Word, the Spirit’s power, and fervent prayer in Christ’s name, we are to combat the spiritual forces of evil. In obedience to Christ’s commission, we are to make disciples among all people, always bearing witness to the gospel in word and deed.
Christ’s Return – We believe in the personal, bodily and premillennial return of our Lord Jesus Christ. The coming of Christ, at a time known only to God, demands constant expectancy and, as our blessed hope, motivates the believer to godly living, sacrificial service and energetic mission.
Response and Eternal Destiny – We believe that God commands everyone everywhere to believe the gospel by turning to him in repentance and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that God will raise the dead bodily and judge the world, assigning the unbeliever to condemnation and eternal conscious punishment and the believer to eternal blessedness and joy with the Lord in the new heaven and the new earth, to the praise of His glorious grace. Amen
We want you to feel at home here at Amazing Grace Community Church. Please let us know how we can help to get you plugged in!