Opportunities for Kids

Learn more about our ministries for kids.

Sunday School

Sunday mornings at 9:00 where kids (3-18) can learn about Jesus and the Bible in a safe and interactive environment. Our dedicated teachers use engaging lessons, activities, and crafts to help kids grow in their understanding of God's love and plan for their lives.

Youth and Family Night

Once a month, all are welcome to join us one Sunday evening for food, fellowship, and fun. Check our calendar for the dates!

Special Events

Throughout the year, we will host special events and activities just for kids! Vacation Bible School is always a great time and a big production for Jesus. Check our calendar for dates!

Vacation Bible School

We love VBS here at AGCC. A week full of fun for kids Ages 4 through 6th grade! Keep your eye out on social media for details! This Summer it will take place July 28 - August 1. Mark your calendars!

Sunday School

Sunday mornings at 9:00 where kids (3-18) can learn about Jesus and the Bible in a safe and interactive environment. Our dedicated teachers use engaging lessons, activities, and crafts to help kids grow in their understanding of God's love and plan for their lives.

Youth and Family Night

Once a month, all are welcome to join us one Sunday evening for food, fellowship, and fun. Check our calendar for the dates!

Special Events

Throughout the year, we will host special events and activities just for kids! Vacation Bible School is always a great time and a big production for Jesus. Check our calendar for dates!

Vacation Bible School

We love VBS here at AGCC. A week full of fun for kids Ages 4 through 6th grade! Keep your eye out on social media for details! This Summer it will take place July 28 - August 1. Mark your calendars!